ABBEDALE BARNThis historic wooden dowel constructed barn is conveniently located close to the indoor arena. It offers an oversized heated wash stall, the farm's bathroom and a lounge with a refrigerator for your convenience. All stalls are oversized with a window for natural light.
NutritionOur staff feeds two grain feedings and three hay feedings per day. Our regular grain is Nutrena's Fiber Plus and Triumph Senior is also available. Our hay is local to Pennsylvania and is a timothy blend. We happily feed your SmartPak's at no additional charge. Regular de-worming and Himalayan salt provided.
Click here for Nutrena's nutritional information. Stall CareYour horse's stall will be cleaned daily and bedded with fresh sawdust as needed. Two water buckets are scrubbed and freshened daily and grain tubs are regularly scrubbed. Hay is served loose on the stall floor.
TurnoutYour horse is turned out daily, weather permitting. We will notify you if your horse stays inside due to the weather on our private Signal group for customers. Our turnouts consist of individual and semi private paddocks. They are grass free and the horses are given plenty of hay and water during turnout.
Riding AreasFlat or school your horse in our 80' x 120' Indoor Arena or in our 100' x 200' outdoor arena. Both arenas offer sand with European felt footing and lights for night time riding. You can also play on our grass arena sized area featuring a few fun natural jumps and obstacles. Tack walk your horse around the property or in the bit of woods behind the farm.